vrijdag 11 oktober 2013

This is me!

Hello everyone

So the day before yesterday, you got to know our newest member. But then Gwendolyne and I thought it was a bit weird that we hadn't introduced ourselves. Although, there's coming a video where we talk about ourselves, like a lot, we're going to write a bit about us today, too.

I'm going to start, so my name is Phara, I'm an 16 year old girl and I live in Izegem, a city in a little country, Belgium. I have a sister, called Semma. As you can see, our names are a bit weird, but I quite like them, if I'm allowed to say that. Most of my time I spend in school, it's not that I hate school, but I don't really like it either, if you know what I mean. In my spare time, I like to do different things, such as writing, reading, watching films or listening to music, blogging of course, stuff like that. My favorite hobby is playing theatre, it's my ninth year already, and next year, it'll be my last. Also the sports tennis and swimming are on the list of favorite things to do.

I'm a person who likes to help people, trying to listen to someone who needs it. I'm doing my best to be as friendly as I can, but I don't always succeed. It's quite hard, actually. I know I can be impatient some times, but I'm working on that too.

My favorite subject in school is English, also I'm not that good at it, but it's fun. My favorite country is also England, everything about it is just awesome. I love the accents, the culture, the shops (of course), just everything. I sometimes imagine myself living there, but I don't know if that's going to happen. Fingers crossed, I guess.

I already published a post about my favorite music, so you already know that I'm a Directioner and Lovatic for life.

So this was a little bit about me, you'll hear eveything else you need to know about me, in a video that's coming soon.

Now it's Gwendolyne her turn!


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